Saturday, September 27, 2008


Okay. There is so much to talk about. I could tell you about how our household goods FINALLY arrived (yippee!!!). Or I could talk about the awesome new Bible Study I am a part of (thank the Lord for Christian "girlfriends"). Or, I could tell you how Greg and I got stuck in traffic coming home from IKEA yesterday and had to call the school to HANG ON to our girls until we got there (we felt so lame). But I'm not. Instead, I have to tell you all about my sweet little Shane.

This week, I was preparing to go to my Tuesday morning Bible Study, which my 2 1/2 year old son calls "school." Ran through the regular routine. Got myself ready. Got Shane dressed. Prepared his diaper bag and snack. As we were walking out the door, Shane had a thought and ran back towards the Master bathroom. He stood by Greg's cabinet, and said, "Daddy." I knew what he wanted. Hair gel. I fixed him up, we checked out his "spikes" in the mirror, and left for class.

Now, this is not really an extraordinary story. Except for us. Shane wanted to look like Greg does when he leaves for church. Hair gel and all. One year ago, Shane really didn't know his dad. In fact, until February of this year, Greg was a guy in a picture or on the computer screen. He knew we always made a big deal about Greg, but I don't think he really understood why. Now, he knows. And he couldn't be more in love with his daddy!

The day we picked Greg up on post after the homecoming ceremony, Shane wouldn't look his daddy in the eye. As we drove home, Greg could feel Shane staring at him from the back seat, but when he would turn around, Shane would quickly look away. We stopped at The Waffle House (yes, sadly, that was our "homecoming meal"), and Shane was blowing the straw paper. Greg blew it back at him, and the ice was broken. Someone to play with! As the days and weeks passed, Shane grew more and more comfortable with Daddy. Now, he can't wait for Greg to get home. Greg says, "Shane, are we buddies?" And Shane always shakes his head yes and with a big smile says, "Bubbies!"

I remember a lot of moms were kind of sad to "lose" their children to daddy when he got home from Afghanistan or Iraq. Believe me, I couldn't be happier that Shane adores Greg so much! (And Ashley and Lexi, well, they were ALWAYS "Daddy's girls!) God certainly had a plan when He designed a family. We are so blessed!

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